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Always in good mood, always OK. Hypocrisy or true happiness?

Always in good mood, always OK. Hypocrisy or true happiness?

Socialization is a main part of our life, at least half resources we spent just to support our social relations. A major part of success also connected with social relations: with customers, with family, with friends. Only small part of all humans can live without society, in Wild Nature or in close community.

General type of relations is oral communication, in simple word – talk. We like (or have to) to talk with different peoples on different topics, but almost every day. Therefore, nobody want to listen whine and grunt nor from business partner, nor from co-worker, nor from friends and even nor from husband or wife.

So it is became usual in modern society to be positive, to smile, to hide own problems, even from relatives and close friends. But usual doesn’t mean natural for our body and soul.

Hypocrisy and dissonance

Always in good mood, always OK. Hypocrisy or true happiness?

As usual be positive, so it is logical to have hidden personality problems.


Always in good mood, always OK. Hypocrisy or true happiness?

Try to remember simple rules from childhood, wisdom from ancestors, grandparents and parents. For example, why it is not good to lie? You can laugh now, when reading this part at, but lying cause dissonance, when your inner conditions and your representation in world became different.

So situations, when you smile, in time, when you feel sad or badly usually don’t encourage you, or give strength, it is just cause dissonance.

Next we have simple and obvious rules:

  • 1. Bigger difference between inner feelings and behavior inflict higher level of dissonance.

  • 2. Problem in latent stage can develop in dangerous form. Same system like in dentist practice. Small cavity can became huge problem and even cause tooth loss, if you don’t treated it in early time.
  • True calm and happiness

    Below such headline different source, organizations, and persons can offer you some so called “true way”, or some “true path”. How to be really calm and happy in inner condition in any life situation, they can teach you. Unfortunately, usually it is just advertisement of some religious or self-development schools, they just need your energy, they try to attract you and inflict addiction.


    Always in good mood, always OK. Hypocrisy or true happiness?

  • 1. This topic can be a field for simple solution, but not simple and obvious realization. For example, one simple rule – everyday physical executrices will be good for your health. But usually peoples can’t follow this simple rule.

  • 2. Don’t mix calmness and happiness. I can describe you feeling of almost full calm, but it is have no any connection with happiness.

  • 3. But I can recommend to you be natural. It is natural to be sad sometimes, no need to smile overtime and everywhere. Just try to reduce dissonance, you can start it in relations with family or, for some test, in some causal chit-chat.

  • Author: Evgenii Golygin
    Date: 5 January 2019, Saturday
    (c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia