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All Russian-speakers are from Russia. True or myth?

All Russian-speakers are from Russia. True or myth?

It is completely and very common myth about Russia. When you hear Russian speech you automatically think, that this person is from Russia. This myth is based on lack of knowledge about Russian culture.

Language is not just a tool

We used to think about language only as a tool for conversation, for transfer of information. But like conversation it is not only a transfer of information (it is also a social acting), language is also not only tool.

Any language it is a huge, almost a keystone of any culture. Language can help to unite different folks in one nation, in one country, in one region. Of course, almost all Russians use Russian as native language, and almost all Russian peoples are Russia-speakers. By the way, on territory of Russian Federation lives a lot of folks, not only Russians, but it is a different topic at, a lot of myths also connected with this question.

Russia as a cultural center

Now we will return to Russian language myth at this article. You can ask me, why it is myth? As I said before, peoples from Russia are Russian-speakers. It is correct. But not only peoples from Russia are Russian-speakers.

During all history Russia have great influence at least at its region. And it is not only military and economic influence, as you think. Russian culture have strong influence on neighborhood nations and regions. So why many peoples from different countries are also Russian-speakers. They can be from countries of former Soviet Union, but also from neighborhood countries. For example, Russian-speakers also can be from Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic countries (Latvia, Estonia), Armenia, Georgia, some parts of Middle Asia and even Eastern Europe.


Also you need to add a migrants from this countries, which now lives around all world. Many of them are still use Russian as main language in family interaction. Because nowadays it is easy to change country of living, but you can’t change your culture.

Source of myth

This myth about Russia is based on misunderstanding of Russian culture. A lot of foreigners think about Russia only as a country, by side of military, politic and economic questions. In truth cultural borders are not the same as country borders. So why it is important to investigate cultural side of any nation, it helps to your understanding. And after it some analogical and complex issues about Russia became obvious for you.

Author: Evgenii Golygin
Date: 18 January 2019, Friday
(c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia