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Victory Day — Russian main celebration

Victory Day — Russian main celebration

Some cultural values are same for different nations in all part of the World. For example love between mother and her child is a universal and even world for mother is almost same in different languages (mama, mutter, mother, kasa).

Some cultural values are completely different, because they are actual only in some regions, and people of other lands and regions even don’t knew about it, it is not valuable for them by objective reasons. For example, Independent Days for different nations have different values and even different days of celebration.

Victory Day (9 May) nowadays have a specific position. This event was crucial for all World, it is a crucial point for history of all Humanity. It is not something local, but in different regions of the World it have different cultural events.

Sometimes it have only historical value, just another historical day in the calendar. Of course, Victory Day (9 May) and World War II have a very significant historical value too, but it is much more than just day of deep past for Russians and many other nations.

For all nations of Soviet Union Victory Day (9 May) is a greatest celebration in all year, at every year since 1945. For our peoples it was not just war, war for lands, better life or even independent. It was war for existence, the War for Motherland.

For this victory all nations of Soviet Union (Russians, Belarusian, Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, Jews, nations of Middle Asia and many others) paid a great price of skills, hard working and blood during this long 4 years. We also remembered with grace all help from our allies, this allowed to save a lot of lives.

That's why celebration of Victory Day (9 May) in Russia and almost all former Soviet republics are huge, beautiful celebration, including military parades almost in every big city, immortal regiment action. At that day we remembered feat of soviet nation, we remembered all, who paid life for this victory.

Author: Evgenii Golygin
Date: 9 May 2019, Thursday
(c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia