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About reasons

About reasons

We like to ask the questions, which starting from “Why?”:
  • Why me?
  • Why now?
  • Why I have not enough money?
  • Why I am alone?
  • Why I lost my job now?
  • Why I her or him now?

  • In my opinion roots of all this questions lay in searching of reasons, we want to find reasons of events. And more important event we faced, more hard they are, we try to find reasons with more zeal.

    It looks good from analyst side and it can help to gain life experience, it even can connect you with a spiritual part of life. But it is good mostly on words, on paper, mostly for common discussion. If you are hurt, bleeding, you need care, rest, sympathy, not analysis or judgment.

    And in general reasons are not so good, as we thing, when we try to find it. Sometimes we suppose, than knowledge of the reasons can solve our problems or bring us salvation. But the reasons of something are banally lost in the sands of the wind (just cool and mystic phrase).


  • 1. Reasons do not change reality.
  • 2. Reasons are not solution itself.
  • 3. Reasons can be absent, as well as the very pattern of events (idea of totally random events, opposite to fate theory).
  • 4. Reasons are exist, patterns of events are also exist, but have such an intricate and complex structure that understanding and a conscious and controlled changing of reasons by person is either difficult or impossible (fate theory).

  • In my opinion, last suggestion is most close to reality (partially). So sometimes searching for reasons can be useless and even dangerous for us (why it is easier to live like a stupid, before revaluation, of course). And as always, you can not find all answers for all your questions.

    Author: Evgenii Golygin
    Date: 18 August 2018, Saturday
    (c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia