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Too many information, how to manage or how to solve?

Too many information, how to manage or how to solve?

Nowadays information stream became really full, almost from start of our lifes. Yes, we can grumble, that it is very hard to adopt to new life conditions, where information became a resource, a basis (or bubble) of modern society. But living in this conditions from a start also very hard task, because young peoples faced a lot of problems during personality founding process.

And it can hurt all lifetime, because they have no opportunity to build basis of their lives (nor material, nor personal, nor spiritual) in more calm conditions, they suddenly faced tornado stream of information. But they also have no adaptation issue, this informational environment is usual for them, but this article at is devoted to problem, and a solution, please check another articles for more information.


Nevertheless your age and gender, today you live in rough stream of information in 24/7 mode. Mix of informational society, industry system, consuming model and IT development led us to situation, when we have to consume a lot of information in many forms, at any time:

  • news
  • a lot of news (global, local, economic, personal)
  • advertisement
  • advertisement everywhere
  • social networks
  • via newspapers
  • via billboards
  • via Internet
  • via product placement
  • via iPhone
  • via laptop
  • via radio

  • It leads us to so called sensor overload and we faced a lot of problems, which will harm to our health, relations, material level and spiritual development, such us:

    lack of concentration bad time management sleep problems solitude in real life (friends in Facebook and followers in Instagram are not real friends) too many casual contacts high maintenance level addiction problems


    Usually Internet articles and trendy self-development tutors gave your piece of advice, which we can divide in two directions:

  • time management
  • efficient management

  • The problem of this solutions is in solutions itself in my opinion, so far as, it led to increasing of information stream in your life. As any complex organizing systems they make your life more compicated and vulnerable. The system helps us as long as everything goes according to system, stress and random event usually led to crush of any complicated systems.

    For example, you tight and super effective schedule can be crushed easily by simple 1-h delay, you schedule will float, in domino effect.

    In my opinion nor time management, not efficiency mnagement can not solve problem of informational overload, because it try to manage information, not control it. It's like trying to arrange furniture in a cluttered room. We must first throw away some junk before arranging sofa or table.

    So you also need to abandon some of information, just bypass part of that flow. Rest part of information and events you can manage with high efficient level and you management system will be simple and stable. You must use rest and reserve parts in your schedule.

    Also all we need to some starving in information sense for some time, time of full rest in calm conditions without any rush or abstraction, this periods of restoration should be periodical and long enough (more than 7-14 days).

    Author: Evgenii Golygin
    Date: 4 November 2018, Sunday
    (c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia