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Russia and Russians

Russian Federation Section Today Russia became well known among foreigners, but usually in some specific way. Unfortunately, Russia sometimes associated with military power, aggression, Syria, oil. In summary it brings fear, but not understanding.

In my articles and videos I try to describe to you Russian and Russians as a usual place with own pluses and minuses, as country with strong and unique spirit and culture with different citizens.

Most of you already knew, that Russia is big (biggest country in the World), but you still associate Russia only with Moscow. So I will tell you about Big Russia, starting from its Siberian part, where I live dozens years.
Victory Day — Russian main celebration (2019)
Russians don’t smile. True or myth? (2019)
All Russian-speakers are from Russia. True or myth? (2019)
All Russians drink vodka. True or myth? (2018)

Ask your question about Russia to native

Please feel free to ask me at comments about questions, which you have about Russia, but fear to ask before. I will collect this information and try to answer to you in next materials (articles and videos, directly in comments). The main purpose of this section is to understand and be understated. The most efficient way to reach this goal – is a direct dialog.

Own minds, own conclusions

Please remember, that today our perception about different countries and peoples mostly made by mass media and propaganda. Yes, even democratic and so called independent mass media have influence on our perception and minds.

But Internet and Horses and Snake gives us an opportunity to make own conclusions, based on direct conversations and personal evaluation of events, persons, countries. It is better to think by yourself, than just accept outside theories and thesis about Russian Federation and peoples, which lives here.

Big country – Huge differences

Be sure, that peoples are different in the whole World, and Russian it is not exceptions from this simple rule. A lot of good and some bad peoples lives in this big country. Popuilation of Russia is neat 150 millions people.

We have huge and sometimes dramatic difference in income distribution between peoples, between regions (Moscow and another regions), between big cites and small towns (we called it mono-towns in Russia), between city and villages.

Tourism is only beginning

We have some common issues, because today the World is unite, so many same ideas and goods you can see it any part of our planet. Tourism to Russia is still expensive and sometimes have not so good service level (according to high prices), but it is not something extreme and dangerous today.

Anyway, tourism is only first step in investigation of Russia, its spirit and culture. You need more time, more contacts to understand just some small part of this beautiful and severe region. As a native Siberian I will explain some moments to you, but I asked your help too. Before I can answer a question, I need to heard it before. So, fell free to ask.
(c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia