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Special Offer! Complex Informational Support for your game or project on Russian
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IT Section Nowadays tempo of life became faster, almost everywhere. Not only capitals and huge cities offer to us 24/7 online regime. Even in developed countries informational technologies made our lifes faster and better in many ways.

Personally we notice IT presence in local acts and small issues through electronic devices, computers, Internet, social networks and “online mode”, when we are still online in any moment of our lives. But the main parts of IT are rooted in management systems, in ideas and globalization.
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Informational technologies allow to us manage resources of our planet more wise and precise. Almost all transport systems (airports, train stations, shipyards, e.t.c) uses automated logistics and control systems, in highly increases it’s productivity.

Same systems are used in all big management systems: from mining and industry to medical care system and education. I think, that exactly IT gave us opportunity to connect almost all World in the one system, one web. Without informational technologies globalization can not reach such high level. Of course it is also increased some risks and born some new problems and challenges.

Informational technologies are developed fast, may be too fast, so why they can hurt to our lives, to our relations, to our calm. Yes, today we live in XXI century, but our social and neurons system was developed (or created) a long time ago, so why we need more time to adopt, but IT don’t give us that time. So why sometimes we need to rest from IT for some time. Nature brings us calm, nor iPhone, nor e-mail, nor Facebook.
(c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia