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Video Games

Video Games Section Imagination, role playing features, competition, relaxation, greed, addiction - all this feelings are contained in video games. Peoples love games, they like to play from childhood to their last days. And video games is just a modern realization of this simple and obvious rule.
Video game as a service (2018)
Video games was born in same time with computer. But really wide and rapid development this field of industry received, when computers became cheap and became really personal computers (PC).

Console games have a little bit different history. We can say that old big game machines, which eaten our coins for each game attempt, are ancestors of game consoles (most popular are from Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft).

Nowadays there are two new braces of video games was created. A lot of interest and money today is attracted to e-sports and mobile video games (for Android and iOS).

E-sports popularity grown fast, because we like not only to play by ourselves, but also to watch. And yes, we also like shows, it is also very ancient and deep part of human nature. Like in Roman times – we need food and show. Gladiator fights was developed to professional sport, and to e-sport too.

Popularity of mobile video games is mostly connected with wide usage of smartphones. Nowadays we bring smartphones almost everywhere, so almost everywhere we can play in games: during waiting time, in metro, train or airplane (in airplane mode, of course). Mobile games are not the best, but it is easy to play in it.

So we can say, that video games it is not just a cheap and addictive entertainment, in same time it is a field of industry with high rate of value and profit. Also video games affect on our lives (sometimes in bad ways of wasting time, but) and became an element of culture.
(c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia