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The World

The World Section Just some decades ago peoples live more locally, sometimes even nearby city was a distant place to many folks. Today we can change continent in 10 hours in comfortable airplane, and it will not cost us a lot of money. So World now is interconnected, we can use same goods in different countries, we can meet different peoples in different places, now we cal leave our homes easily. But can we really do it easy?
List of articles about World.
Travel and tourism became a popular hobby for many peoples, almost all young peoples want to see world before they take roots, before they take a constant job, before they start to grow kids. Today they can expand their own perception, their knowledge about different places, different countries, different peoples in early ages.

But in fact you can’t create roots, you only can forgot your roots. New problem is a nomad style of living, when people forgot their roots, their Motherland, their culture. They try to find better place of living, they don’t want to create it by own hands and minds, they just retreat from problems, just abandon families and past.

Anyway new reality of easy traveling and new nomad stream are became our new reality. We can accept it or not, we can swim in the flow or try to find calm place, but it is not change the reality.
(c) 2018-2021, Evgenii Golygin, Irkutsk, Russia